Friday, April 1, 2016

Back 2016

It's spring 2016, actually it's summer throughout the year in Hot Singapore.
I am surprised that I am still able to access to my past blogs created Nov 2008 - 2009.
Pretty fun to read about my past blogs.

Life seems to be more exciting that time while I just had my career switch from event/marketing to Human resources. 6 years plus, I am still in Human Resources, perhaps exploring a bigger port folio.

I am still the same, enjoying the happy relationship with my hubby, doing exercise together (in particular jogging), through lesser as we gets tired easily and after a lot of unknown injuries to my body these few years.

Yes, we continued to travel as much as we could, below picture showing us, finally visit the States in Aug 2012.

That's about all, hope to see my blog appearing somewhere :) 

Finally our visit to the States in 2012